15–28 Mar 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) midterm review report has been submitted to CERN's Council and its subordinate bodies. 

The CERN Council reviewed the work undertaken in a fruitful meeting on 2 February 2024. It congratulated and thanked all the teams involved in the study for the excellent and significant work. The Council looks forward to receiving the final report in 2025.

As a contributor to the FCC Feasibility Study activities, during the first stage from 2021 to 2023, you are kindly invited to sign the FCC midterm review report. The contributor list will be included in V.2 of the FCC midterm report.

Please take note that the collection of contributor names will close on Thursday 28th of March 2024 (included).

Additionally, please note that you are not required to register again if your name already appears in the contributor list. You may do so if you need to update information related to your registration (i.e. misspellings, change in affiliation, a.o).

With warm thanks in advance for your cooperation, we are looking forward to the next phase of the FCC feasibility study!

Kind regards.

Michael Benedikt and Frank Zimmermann
on behalf of the FCC Study management team 
