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Scientific Policy Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Thirty-Eighth Meeting

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
  • Monday, 18 March at 14:00
  • Tuesday, 19 March at 08:30
    • 8:30 - - - CLOSED SESSION - - -
    • 9:15 - - - RESTRICTED SESSION - - -

      Attendance: Chair and Vice-Chair, Members, President of Council, Chair of FC, Director-General, Legal Counsel, CERN Services

      • 13
        Close-out report on Closed Session (Oral)
      • 14
        Election of SPC Members of DG Selection Committee (Oral)
    • 10:45
      Coffee break
    • 11:00 - - - NORMAL SESSION - - -
      • 15
        Close-out report on Closed and Restricted Sessions
    • 11:15 - - - TOPICAL SESSION - - -

      Attendance: Chair and Vice-Chair, Members, Scientific delegates, President of Council, Chair of FC, Director-General, Directorate, Department Heads, CERN Services, any other person invited by the Chair to attend

      • 16
        Plans for Higgs Factory (CEPC) in China (Y. Wang - Oral)
      • 17
        CEPC Discussion
      • 18
        Other business
    • 12:50