We use the de Sitter Swampland Conjectures to test some inflationary models compatible with CMB data. We find that warm inflationary models, with one or more scalar fields, and the Claplygin-inspired models for some class of potentials satisfy the de Sitter Swampland Conjectures, Inflationary models in the context of theories of gravity that couple nonminimally curvature and matter are shown...
We suggest a new class of models - Fermionic Portal Vector Dark Matter (FPVDM) which extends the Standard Model (SM) with SU(2)_D dark gauge sector. While FPVDM does not require kinetic mixing and Higgs portal to explain Dark Matter (DM) phenomena. This framework is based on the Vector-Like (VL) fermionic doublet which couples the dark sector with the SM sector through the Yukawa interaction....
The Large Hadron Collider is now running at a centre of mass energy of 13.6 TeV. I will present benchmark scenarios for a simple extension of the Standard Model: the complex two-Higgs doublet model (C2HDM) which allows for CP-violation in the scalar sector. I will present a number of benchmarks that show that in this model there are several ways to probe CP-violation in the different sectors...
Dratopi is a helper tool under development for interfacing with python the recent Mathematica package DRalgo, by Ekstedt, Schicho and Tenkanen. The purpose is to provide a tool for studying phase transitions in the dimensional reduction formalism by combining DRalgo with phase transition packages (or modified versions thereof) like CosmoTransitions, by Carroll Wainwright. I will give an...
The electroweak phase transition is a promising explanation for the origin of baryon asymmetry in the universe, a core problem in cosmology and particle physics.
An extension of the Standard Model is necessary to generate a strong first-order phase transition. Besides representing a target for several future-generation colliders, such Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories can generate -...
In this talk, I briefly overview recent progress in strong coupling dynamics at finite temperatures and its cosmological implications in SU(N) gauge theories, with and without fermions. In a confining pure Yang-Mills theory of dark sector, the scalar glueballs are considered as possible candidates for Dark Matter. To predict the relic abundance of glueballs for the various gauge groups and...
The study of interactions between dark matter and the Higgs field opens the interesting prospect of possible detection of dark matter (DM) through collider experiments. Naturally, this setup can have an impact on the features of DM itself, as well as to interfere with the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry. Furthermore, it is crucial that this Higgs-portal DM can be suitably...
I will discuss gravitational particle production in the early Universe and the consequent problems for the traditional concept of dark matter ``freeze-in''.
In this talk we will present our recent work on the studies of the LHC sensitivity to the detection of potential new boson mediators that couple to Dark Matter by looking into angular distributions in ttbar production at the LHC. We will show that no matter how hard and challenging the discover of New Physics is at the LHC, it is equally hard to remove the New Physics events in ttbar classical...
Despite the shortcomings of the Standard Model (SM), all experimental observations so far have not indicated the existence of new physics (NP) at or near the TeV scale. The gravitational channel is another promising avenue to test NP and can potentially probe particles with masses far beyond those accessible at current collider experiments. With this in mind, we perform a phenomenological...
I will talk about Beyond Standard Model scenario where there is more than 1 Higgs doublet, and also additional symmetries to control the proliferation of free parameters.
We analyze the dynamics and observational signatures of axion clouds formed via the superradiant instability around primordial black holes, focusing on the mass range $10^{14}-10^{18}$ kg where the latter may account for all the dark matter.
We take into account the leading effects of axion self-interactions, showing that, even though these limit the number of axions produced within each...
Cosmic strings can be produced during phase transitions in the very early universe. They are particularly interesting objects since they emit gravitational waves contributing to the stochastic gravitational wave background. This gives us possibility to connect gravitational waves experiments to unknown physics scenarios of the very distant past. In the early stages of cosmic string network...