IS 2 streak camera line kick-off
1st IS2 streak line meeting
Attendees in-person: Marlene, Patric, Jan, Arthur, Collette
On zoom: David, Fern
Time: Friday 23 Feb 2024, 10:00
Marlene starts by presenting the proposal on where to install new IS2 streak camera line. This requires addition of beam splitter at IS2 to send light to spectrometer dark room with a mirror near the spectro mirror on the same girder in the dark room.
Patric says that the existing spectrometer line will not be touched and we are building around what exists.
Question from David about the fire safety window and how it would degrade the point point spread function (PSF), as previous measruements showed significant degradation of quality in the vertical plane. To do: DC, FP to ask Matthew if glass has been replaced. If no, check measurements using test target. MT: Investigate higher quality windows.
Why this measurement is useful:
Marlene presents the motivation: streak camera images at the same time as electron acceleration, the hope would be to monitor and correlate. Providing more information than just the halo. To be aware: Halo and streak camera images are exclusive (either one or the other, Chromox screen needed for Halo, OTR screen for time resolution).
To do: PM to lead investigations on whether streak camera images are more insightful than halo images.
Marlene presents image of the projection of proton SM at the location of IS2. The microbunch train is still visible.
To do: Investigate if light yield and field of view would be sufficient when copying upstream beam transport line layout.
Technical realization:
Patric says that length of IS2 light transport line line (yellow line in presentation) is comparable to current downstream streak camera OTR line which contains three thick lens pairs (six lenses to optimize field of view). If all of these are needed, two lenses need also to be added at the middle of the yellow line just past the ventilation duct (blue in presentation). To do: AC, design optical line. If they are needed, can they be kept out of the spectrometer light path, e.g. by adjusting height of the IS2 light transport line. We may need to drill holes for the support of the two lenses. This to be coordinated with Collette for the hole drilling for the spectrometer.
List of equipment needed:
Marlene presents list of equipment needed including beamsplitter, up to seven mirrors and mounts and bases for transport, periscope for height adjustment, optical table to go on girder in dark room, 6 lenses, optomechanics, mount to spectro mirrors, remote-controlled translation stage for position adjustment of the first thick lenses close to IS2, triggers, ETH and FEC.
Potential showstoppers
Collette, Patric and Marlene transported streak camera trigger to the spectrometer dark room yesterday. Seems possible. To check with the timing team if the signal yield could be increased to compensate for the 0.2V signal loss. Also a spare remote control channel for a new stage may be available, but need to be confirmed with Stefano Mazzoni.
David points to page 81 in Fergus' thesis that shows the PSF is much larger in one plane than other due to the fire window. Need to understand if this has been replaced or not in the past with an optical quality window? David and Fern will check with Matthew. This will also need to be tested in the tunnel again.
How to proceed:
To do: PM, MT to investigate whether the new streak camera line would yield more insight than the halo measurement.
To do: AC to Investigate if light yield and field of view would be sufficient when copying upstream beam transport line layout.
To do: AC, JM Investigate optical line: work out all the optics at IS2 to see if we couple light after the lens or not lens. Once there is a design investigate where to put optics and how to mount them (drilling). Send He:Ne to test clear aperature.
To do: CP, MT confirm availability of all trigger signals (can yield be increased?), cable connections as well as PC control in the spectrometer dark room.
To do: CP, Confirm availability of channel to remote control new translation stage around IS2, and if yes, what stage would be needed.
To do: DC, FP to ask Matthew if glass has been replaced. If no, check measurements using test target and gated camera. MT: Investigate higher quality windows.
Collette and Marlene