Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • 34 "Donkey Potter and the Data Cache" release schedule
        • Code Freeze March 08 12:00!
        • RC1: March 12
        • Final: March 19
      • March release schedule
        • Mar-04 33.6.1
        • Mar-11 1.29.17
        • Mar-11 32.8.1
        • Mar-12 34.0.0rc1 
        • Mar-19 34.0.0
      • Pull Request handling
        • Way too many PRs where the tests fail
        • It is the authors responsibility to make sure that the tests run through upstream
          • If they do not, please fix the branch immediately OR close the PR
          • If you think the tests are breaking due to reasons not caused by you please contact Martin
        • Yes, this problem is currently worse because of a few (many?) flaky tests
    • 15:05 15:25
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 20m
      • ATLAS
        • LHC Beam comissioning starting tomorrow
        • Stopped using statsd
          • Do we want to keep statsd? Or remove it entirely in favor of one common monitoring backend
        • TOKENS
          • #6524 removal of wildcard audience for TPC
          • @CMS! please check this
          • Planned for 34
          • What's supposed to be in the audience?
            • No common WLCG agreement/recommendation
            • We are pushing for hostname
      • CMS
        • Upgrading integration 33.6.0
      • Fermilab
      • DUNE
        • Cleaning up files which are corruped/invalid
        • erase on files
          • Not sure if it works correctly at the moment #5154
          • Physical deletion needs to happen BEFORE the logical did can be removed
          • Policy change at NERSC with xrootd
            • Pushes for globus transfer adoption\
            • Possibly needs more effort
      • ESCAPE Collaboration ++++
        • Giovanni Guerrieri new in the team
      • DUNE/Edinburgh
        • DUNE specific VO tests going well
      • RAL/MutiVO
    • 15:25 15:55
      Developers roundtable 30m
      • Rucio 34 "Donkey Potter and the Data Cache" roadmap
        • In Progress
          • Missing WebUI Release 33 page tracker #301 [Mayank, Eraldo]
        • In Review
          • Deployment and Release Workflow #401 [Mayank, Eraldo]
          • factorize duplicate messaging code into a common module or class #6423 [Alex]
          • Continue migration to SQLAlchemy 2.0 syntax #6057 [Erling]
          • Refactor policy package algorithm code #6382 [James]
        • Todo
          • bridge the gap between running rucio in demo env and full production deployment #187 [Radu, Enrique]
            • Needs somebody else on this, now that Radu has left
        • Done
          • Add Token based TPC tests to the CI #6451 [Radu]
          • Type annotate the code #6454 [Riccardo]
          • Metadata for tape co-location and transfer prority #6398 [Maggie]
          • Update/Re-design core.meta module #5224 [Maggie, Rob]
        • Delayed
          • foreign key error on deleting dids in reaper #5733 [Alex]
          • Migrate Dashboard to Clean Architecture #158 [Mayank, Eraldo]
          • Unable to Delete File DID via Undertaker #5154 [Riccardo]
          • Update extension for v32 (and higher) compatibility #25 [Francesc, Enrique]
      • Documentation corner
        • Documentation and dev guidelines for Mypy type annotations #116 [Mayank, Martin]
        • Document environmental variables affecting the client #171 [Dimitrios]
        • Improve documentation on rucio.cfg vs configuration table #183 [Radu]
        • Add an FAQ-style entry aimed at users for STUCK rules #184 [Fabio]
        • Add instruction about DB partitioning #185 [Martin]
        • bridge the gap between running rucio in demo env and full production deployment #187 [Radu]
        • Introduce documentation on subscriptions #190 [Cedric]
        • WebUI: Improve Docs #255 [Eraldo]
        • Add instructions for Mac Apple Silicon in the developer section #261 [Eraldo]
          • Under Review - Comments posted, needs iteration
        • Add Rucio QoS RSE description and instructions #268 [Matt]
          • Under Review - Comments posted, needs iteration
        • Document how to set up command line argument completion #275 [Bouwe]
        • Formatting / style guide #287 [???]
        • Document how deletion occurs. #288 [???]
      • Other topics
        • CILogon on Continous Integration?
          • Yes, we should have it
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m