Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • 34 Release is out! Thanks everyone for contributing
        • Next patch/minor in 2 weeks
      • Big component leadership update:
        • Clients [Maggie, Mario]
          • Maggie to take over as lead
          • Remove Radu
        • Deletion [Hugo, Cedric]
          • Hugo to take over as lead
          • Remove Radu
        • Docker & Kubernetes [Riccardo, Mario, Eric, Hugo]
          • Riccardo to take over as lead
          • Hugo to join as deputy
          • Remove Radu
        • Messaging [Alex, Mario]
          • Alex to take over as lead
        • Monitoring & Logging [Mayank, Mario]
          • Remove Radu
        • Protocols [Maggie, Mario]
          • Maggie to take over as lead
          • Remove Radu
        • Replicas [Riccardo, Alex]
          • Riccardo to take over as lead
          • Alex to join as deputy
          • Remove Mario
        • Transfers [Riccardo, Hugo]
          • Riccardo to take over as lead
          • Hugo to join as deputy
          • Remove Radu
          • Remove Eric
        • Consistency checks [Fabio, Guilherme]
          • Guilherme to join as deputy
          • Remove Igor
        • Dataset deletion [Alex, Martin]
          • Alex to take over as lead
        • Documentation [Martin, Maggie]
          • Maggie to join as deputy
        • Rules [Riccardo, Martin]
          • Riccardo to take over as lead
        • Testing [Mayank, Riccardo]
          • Riccardo to join as deputy
        • WELCOME!
          • 18 different component leads & co-leads now in Rucio!
          • Thank you for your dedication!
      • Meeting next week, or too many people on vacation?
      • April 4: 35 Release Roadmap planning
    • 15:05 15:25
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 20m
      • ATLAS
      • CMS
      • Fermilab
        • All clusters, except DUNE on 34
      • ESCAPE
      • PIC
        • Rucio MAGIC instance on 32
        • Setting up another instance for a Barcelona based research institution (Also 32 LTS)
        • Testing to run Rucio with tokens
          • Test IAM, tests with Rucio
    • 15:25 15:45
      Rucio 34 "Donkey Potter and the Data Cache" retrospective 20m
    • 15:45 15:55
      Developers roundtable 10m
      • Other topics
        • VO tests (To discuss with James)
        • Jupyterlab Extension
          • Lots of effort for update to JupyerLab v4
          • Please reach out to Enrique and Francesc about testing this version of the extension!
      • Documentation corner
        • Documentation and dev guidelines for Mypy type annotations #116 [Mayank, Martin]
        • Document environmental variables affecting the client #171 [Dimitrios]
        • Improve documentation on rucio.cfg vs configuration table #183 [???]
        • Add an FAQ-style entry aimed at users for STUCK rules #184 [Fabio]
        • Add instruction about DB partitioning #185 [Martin]
        • bridge the gap between running rucio in demo env and full production deployment #187 [Radu]
        • Introduce documentation on subscriptions #190 [Cedric]
        • Add Rucio QoS RSE description and instructions #268 [Matt]
          • Under Review - Comments posted, needs iteration
        • Document how to set up command line argument completion #275 [Bouwe]
        • Formatting / style guide #287 [???]
        • Document how deletion occurs. #288 [Anil]
        • Instructions for tape collocation plugins #289 [Maggie]
        • Documentation for RSE settings #293 [???]
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m