IRIS-HEP Data Analysis Pipeline (IDAP) meeting

Zoom Meeting ID
Alexander Held
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    • 5:00 PM 5:20 PM
      Introduction 20m
      Speakers: Alexander Held (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))
    • 5:20 PM 5:40 PM
      Analysis running at 200Gbps as part of the Analysis Grand Challenge 20m
      Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • 5:40 PM 6:00 PM
      Technical challenges in analysis tools: I/O bottlenecks examples 20m
      Speaker: Nick Smith (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 6:00 PM 6:20 PM
      Infrastructure challenges 20m