Afternoon session
- Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory)
Afternoon session
- Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory)
Afternoon session
- György Gyürky
Since the very first p-process workshop in Vravron, Greece (2002), theoretical
study of the astrophysical p-process is accompanied by nuclear physics experiments.
These experiments always try to follow the requirements from astrophysical models
and reaction cross sections relevant to the p-process have been measured on various
type of reactions with various techniques. These experiments do...
Understanding the origin of the p nuclides has been an ongoing challenge within the astrophysics community for over 60 years. In the extensively researched $\gamma$ process the reaction flow involves photodisintegration reactions on a vast network of mostly radioactive isotopes. However, as experimental cross sections of $\gamma$-process reactions are very limited, and almost entirely...
O-C shell mergers in massive stars have been proposed as a potential site for the production of p-process isotopes. These mergers provide a convective-reactive environment where the timescales for the nucleosynthesis of C-shell ashes such as $^{20}\mathrm{Ne}$ and convective mixing of species are of the same order. However, the nucleosynthetic pathways of these convective-reactive processes...
The p-process nucleosynthesis can explain proton-rich isotopes that are heavier than iron, which are observed in the Solar System, but discrepancies still persist (e.g. for the Mo and Ru p-isotopes).
We investigate both the systematic and statistical uncertainties associated with theoretical nuclear reaction rates of relevance during the p-process and explore their impact on the p-process...
By definition, the proton-rich isotopes that cannot be reached by neutron-capture processes are the p-only isotopes or the p-nuclei. However, several p-nuclei can produced by the s process in low-mass AGB stars, e.g. (1) $\mathrm{^{94}Mo}$ by two consecutive neutron captures of $\mathrm{^{92}Mo}$ and following the decay of $\mathrm{^{93}Zr}$ and $\mathrm{^{94}Nb}$, (2)...
The $\gamma$-process in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) can produce a number of neutron-deficient stable isotopes heavier than iron (p-nuclei). However, current model predictions do to not fully reproduce the solar abundances. We investigate the impact of different explosion energies and parameters on the nucleosynthesis of p-nuclei, by studying stellar models with different initial masses...
The production of the light p-nuclei 113In and 115Sn has been a long-standing problem for $\gamma$-process nucleosynthesis [1,2]. The reaction flow in the Cd-In-Sn region is rather complicated due to the existance of several long-lived $\beta$-decaying isomers, which leads to a general underproduction of these isotopes compared to the other p-nuclei. In this talk, I will discuss the current...
Presolar grains are relic dust grains from dying stars. These microscopic dust particles are found in primitive Solar System materials. Their distinct isotopic compositions record the nucleosynthetic processes in their parent stars and the galactic chemical environment in which these stars formed. We studied presolar graphite grains of high-density type from the Murchison meteorite and found...
In this talk, I will introduce STIR, a model that incorporates neutrino-driven convection in 1D simulations of core-collapse supernovae (Couch et al. 2020, Boccioli et al. 2021). This model has the advantage of being more sophisticated than other 1D models adopted for similar studies and is able to reproduce recent results from 2D and 3D state-of-the-art simulations of core-collapse...
Study of the isotopic compositions of meteorites and their variations has revealed signatures that can be related to processes of nucleosynthesis in stars. Generally, the size of variations scales inversely with the size of the phases that show such “anomalies”. For the small effects seen in “bulk” it is not always trivial distinguishing astrophysical variations from such of more mundane...
Some of the largest nuclear physics uncertainties in p-process nucleosynthesis stem from the $\alpha$-optical model potential ($\alpha$-OMP). Especially, at high masses the available $\alpha$-OMPs often fail to accurately reproduce experimental results [1]. If the $\alpha$-emission probability in a photodisintegration reaction is comparable to the emission probabilities for other particles,...
I will discuss recent simulation results of neutrino-driven supernova explosions launched from a low-mass 9.6 solar mass iron-core progenitors of low metalicity. The supernova simulations are based on general relativistic neutrino radiation hydrodynamics in spherical symmetry featuring six-species Boltzmann neutrino transport and a complete set of neutrino opacities. Special emphasis is...
One of the questions of heavy element nucleosynthesis associated with massive star explosions will be discussed in this talk, namely the realization of possible conditions enabling neutron capture processes. It depends sensitively on the neutrino fluxes and spectra as well as their evolution, which, in turn are determined by the treatment of neutrino transport in the supernova models. It is...