GW day at UNIGE

Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

24, quai Ernest Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
    • Journal Club room 234 (second floor), Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      room 234 (second floor), Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      We will have Maria going through the recent DESI results

    • Student’s pre-seminar room 234 (second floor), Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      room 234 (second floor), Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      Ph.D. student’s encounter with the seminar speaker

    • 1
      Cosmology and Particle Physics seminar: Early- and late-time cosmology with Gravitational waves: latest results with a focus on topological defects room 234 (second floor)

      room 234 (second floor)

      Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      24, quai Ernest Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
      Speaker: Danièle Steer (Université Paris Cité)
    • lunch break Cantine Science II

      Cantine Science II

    • 2
      Theoretical Physics Colloquim: Recent results of Pulsar Timing Arrays (TBC) Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      24, quai Ernest Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
      Speaker: Stanislav Babak (CNRS - APC Paris)
    • coffee break
    • 3
      Boosting gravitational waves: kinematic effects on a source, a population and a background Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      24, quai Ernest Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
      Speaker: Giulia Cusin (IAP, Paris)
    • 4
      Simulation-based inference for stochastic gravitational wave background data analysis (TBC) Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Auditoire Stuckelberg (ground floor)

      Ecole de Physique - Université de Genève

      24, quai Ernest Ansermet - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
      Speaker: James Alvey (University of Amsterdam)
    • Common discussion