The Versatile Link Plus transceiver (VTRx+) is a small form-factor, radiation-hard optical transceiver, which will be installed inside upgraded HL-LHC detectors. The VTRx+ was developed in the framework of the Versatile Link Plus project and the design went through several iterations to select the most suitable optical coupling block that meets the challenging size requirements. Small-series pre-production runs were carried out to complete the industrialisation process and to perform preliminary yield calculations before finalising the manufacturing contract. However, the detailed analysis of the pre-production test data revealed some performance issues and the production launch, scheduled for 2022, was postponed. The investigations led by CERN identified the root cause and the corresponding assembly steps were improved in collaboration with the industrial partner. After the successful qualification of the new assembly process, the series production started in 2023. The seminar will present the challenges encountered and the experiences gained during the industrialisation phase and the first year of production.
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