Abstract. It is well-known since the works of Utiyama and Kibble that the gravitational force can be obtained by gauging the Lorentz group, which puts gravity on the same footing as the Standard Model fields. The resulting theory - Einstein-Cartan gravity - happens to be very interesting. I will overview the construction of this theory and discuss its applications in particle physics and...
Abstract: It is a common assumption that well below the Planck scale gravity can be treated classically in the framework of General Relativity. Nevertheless, the quantum interactions of gravitating matter fields are expected to generate modifications in the Einstein-Hilbert action. Such modifications are non-minimal couplings of scalar fields to curvature or quadratic curvature terms. It has...
Abstract. We go beyond the state-of-the-art by combining first principal lattice results and effective field theory approaches as Polyakov Loop model to explore the non-perturbative dark deconfinement-confinement phase transition and the generation of gravitational-waves in a dark Yang-Mills theory. We further include fermions with different representations in the dark sector. Employing the...
Abstract:In this talk, I briefly overview recent progress in strong coupling dynamics at finite temperatures and its cosmological implications in SU(N) gauge theories, with and without fermions. In a confining pure Yang-Mills theory of dark sector, the scalar glueballs are considered as possible candidates for Dark Matter. To predict the relic abundance of glueballs for the various gauge...
I will demonstrate the generation of gravitational caustics in a self-gravitating N-body system. The gravitational caustics are space regions where the density of particles is higher than the average density in the surrounding space. It is suggested that the intrinsic mechanism of caustics generation is responsible for the formation of the cosmological Large Scale Structure that consists of...
Generation of gravitational waves. Review of the theoretical background, the gravitational detectors and experimental verification.
Abstract. I will present a recent advancement that transforms the problem of decaying turbulence in the Navier-Stokes equations in $3+1$ dimensions into a Number Theory challenge: finding the statistical limit of the Euler ensemble. We redefine this ensemble as a Markov chain, establishing its equivalence to the quantum statistical theory of $N$ fermions on a ring, interacting with an external...
We review the Abelian decomposition of QCD and discuss the physical implications of the decomposition. The Abelian decomposition decomposes the gluon potential to the restricted part which contains the non-topological Maxwellian Abelian potential which describes the color neutral neurons and the topological Diracian potential which describes the non-Abelian monopole, and the valence part which...
According to the Abelian decomposition of QCD, there is a theoretical prediction that gluons can be classified into two types, each exhibiting distinct experimental signatures. The optimal setting for experimental verification of this theory is a clean environment such as the LEP, rather than the LHC. We have investigated whether there were any anomalies observed already in the gluon jets...
Abstract: The existence and mass-gap of Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions is an open Millennium Prize problem. In this lecture, I point out the curious similarities between the SU(2) mass gap and the superfluid gap in non-relativistic atomic systems when using an exact mathematical rewriting of the Yang-Mills Lagrangian. This may (or may not) constitute a new route towards calculating the...
I consider a generalization of the Liouville action which corresponds to the Nambu-Goto string like the usual Liouville action corresponds to the Polyakov string. The two differ by higher-derivative terms which are negligible classically but revive quantumly. I exactly solve the four-derivative case and argue that conformal symmetry of the Nambu-Goto string in 4 dimensions is described by the...
Abstract: According to the recently proposed dark dimension (DD) scenario, we might well live in a 5D universe with one compact extra dimension, whose mesoscopic (micrometer) size is dictated by the measured value of the cosmological constant. Considering the contributions to the vacuum energy from the Standard Model (that lives on a 4D-brane) and from the bulk, in the talk I discuss...
I start by an update of vortices, as described by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation, explaining why there is room for new phenomena. First I describe what a time crystal is in Hamiltonian context. Then, I show that minimal energy solutions of GP equation behave like a time crystal. Furthermore, I show that as a consequence vortices of GP equation have anyonic exchange. I conclude with a...
Abstract: Color confinement is a fundamental non-perturbative aspect of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Despite decades of research and numerical lattice simulations, a complete understanding of this phenomenon has remained elusive. Although a rigorous mathematical proof is still lacking, efforts to understand confinement could hold significant value for comprehending broader aspects of QCD,...
Abstract. We apply a stochastic version of the geometric Ricci flow in order to explain the area-low of large Wilson-loops in Yang-Mills fields confinement. Confinement is therefore interpreted, within this stochastic geometric flow approach, as a geometric-phase by-product of the dynamics of Yang-Mills fields, being provided by the Aharonov-Bohm effect induced by the concatenation of the...
Abstract: I present a novel analytic framework for SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in the four-dimensional continuum. Background and effective field theory techniques are used to include non-perturbative contributions from cubic and quartic interactions. This approach is inspired by Savvidy who claims that first-order contributions from quartic interactions stabilise IR divergence found at one-loop...
Abstract: Recently, we proposed a new duality in flat space under Poincare symmetry, which exchanges between spin and orbital degrees of freedom. The 'spin-orbit duality' maps 4D bulk spacetime onto a 3D worldtube, a cylinder S2xR, which is noncommutative and for low energies reduces to the fuzzy sphere. Progress shows that, firstly, the duality is really the first Hopf map. As an...
I will present a recent advancement that transforms the problem of decaying turbulence in the Navier-Stokes equations in 3 + 1 dimensions into a Number Theory challenge: finding the statistical limit of the Euler ensemble. We redefine this ensemble as a Markov chain, establishing its equivalence to the quantum statistical theory of N fermions on a ring, interacting with an external field...
Abstract. The moduli space of covariantly constant gauge fields is infinite-dimensional and describes non-perturbative solutions of the Yang-Mills equation of superposed chromomagnetic flux tubes (vortices) of opposite magnetic charges. These gauge field configurations are stretched along the potential valleys of a constant energy density and are separated by potential barriers between...
Abstract : Both electroweak monopole and electroweak string could exist in the standard model. In this talk we will argue that the existence of the electroweak Cho-Maison monopole indicates the existence of the electroweak string in the standard model made of monopole-antimonopole pair separated infinitely apart, which carry the quantized magnetic flux 4πn/e. We show how to construct such...
I discuss four-dimensional non-Abelian gauge theory parametrized on a complex pro- jective space CP2 as a way of gaining insights into (3+1)-dimensional QCD. The low- energy scale of non-Abelian gauge theories remains an elusive area of research even af- ter decades of work. Working on CP2 facilitates a manifestly gauge-invariant parametriza- tion of the gauge fields and a possibly...
Abstract: Recently, there has been a dramatic shift in our understanding of the notion of symmetry in a quantum field theory. Lattice gauge theory provides one of the best non-perturbative approaches to understanding QCD. This motivates the need to understand the recent generalised symmetries in the context of lattice gauge theory. In this talk I will use the lattice description of...
Lattice gauge theory provides a method for studying gauge theories in their non-perturbative regime and offers a formulation that can be simulated on powerful computers. I will present a review of gauge fields on a lattice and a Python implementation of lattice gauge theory simulations using Metropolis Monte Carlo technique, following the pioneering work of M. Creutz and others, to measure...
Abstract: Lipatov-Kuraev-Fadin-Balitsky (BFKL) evolution as the high-high-energy asymptotic of QCD is reviewed. Manifestations the BFKL evolution in high-energy data are discussed.
Abstract: BSM physics, on which the now standard inflationary cosmology with baryosynthesis and dark matter/energy is based, inevitably leads to cosmological scenarios beyond this standard model, involving specific model dependent choice of models and parameters of BSM physics. Such model dependent cosmological predictions may already found confirmation in the positive results of direct dark...