Max Ischenko
The talk is a case study for my experience rebuilding a PHP-powered site in Python.
Primarily focus is Pylons which is a modern, cool and immature web framework,
currently heading for 1.0 release. Topics covered include: Pylons itself, Paste,
deployment, i18n, Mako templating and SQLAlchemy. I'll share our experience about
what worked and what didn't and what to watch for.
The talk will fit in a 30-minutes timeslot.
The site studied is www.developers.org.ua -- Ukrainian software developers' community
site. Presenter (Max Ischenko) is its creator and primarily developer, his blog can
be found at http://maxischenko.in.ua/blog/.
Talk outline:
- About the site and the reasons to rewrite in Python
- The big picture (boxes and arrows)
- What's Pylons
- What's Paste and why it's important (mentions WSGI as well)
- The problems we ran into (deployment, docs, tools)
- The positives (routes, database, templating, i18n, python, community)
- Conclusion
Max Ischenko