Alexander Pilz
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has developed, in cooperation with
Syslab.com, an open source based Content Management System, to manage its
international network of websites, composed of more than 50 websites, hosted
centrally at its premises in Bilbao, Spain.
Besides the usual tasks to operate a CMS, this system has some specific challenges.
It is bad to change content because you need to do it in more than 22 languages. It
is bad to rely on folders to structure the site, because one piece of information may
be needed in several places. It is bad to add another portal for another campaign
because that duplicates a lot.
Current efforts include thoughts about radical reduction of manual created pages,
utilizsation of specialized structuring objects like subsites and
multi-tenant-features and shared resources.
Personalisation is used in a way that information can be selected based on a
centrally managed list of "areas of interest" which consist of a combination of
several metadata each.
Alexander Pilz