9–11 Jul 2007
Vilnius, Lithuania
Europe/Zurich timezone

Python for Industry and the ORDID Project

10 Jul 2007, 09:30
Theta (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Vilnius, Lithuania


Elisa Burato (Verona University) Fabio Pliger (SIA s.r.l.)


Sia and S3 focus their work on supplying both low level and high level systems solutions for industrial partners. This year SIA started a research project with the university of Verona to improve it's applications and solutions named ORDID: Upper-level Ontology-Driven Interpretation of Raw Data. The project aims at looking for new and inovative construction of high level symbol grounding techniques to replace the traditional techniques used before, executing ontologic schemas to guarantee interoperability. The talk will look into the role played by Python into SIA, S3 and the ORDID project itself.

Primary author

Fabio Pliger (SIA s.r.l.)


Elisa Burato (Verona University)

Presentation materials