9–11 Jul 2007
Vilnius, Lithuania
Europe/Zurich timezone

Twisted and Zope in real time monitoring for oil and gas industries

10 Jul 2007, 10:00
Theta (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Vilnius, Lithuania


Mr Dale Strickland-Clark (Riverhall Systems)


An innovative company in the South of England has produced the first safe way to remotely monitor oil and gas wells wirelessly. They'd built the hardware and now urgently needed software so they could demonstrate their product at a trade show. Riverhall Systems used Twisted, Zope and a home-grown graphics server to produce a useful demonstration which was used successfully at the event. Twisted handled the real-time communication with the wireless monitors and also provided an RPC interface to a data logger. The control and reporting front-end was written in Zope. Our graphics server, also written in Python, created the dials and charts in real-time.


Mr Dale Strickland-Clark (Riverhall Systems)

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