Common Technologies Strategy Board CTSB | Meeting #5

30/7-010 (CERN)



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Brennan Goddard (CERN), Rhodri Jones (CERN)

CTSB-secretariat: E.Gousiou, R.Ferreira
    • 14:00 14:15
      Introduction 15m
      Speakers: Brennan Goddard (CERN), Rhodri Jones (CERN)
    • 14:15 16:00
      CTTB presentation 1h 45m

      I. Open CTSB Actions

      II. CTSB Endorsement Requests
      1. White-Rabbit Timing Deployment during LS3
      2. Controls Data Analysis Framework
      3. Hardware Crates production
      4. FGC 4 review recommendations
      5. Common SoC framework in the ATS sector
      6. Future front-end platform
      7. UNICOS review recommendations

      III. Ongoing CTTB Initiatives
      1. SoM task force
      2. Debian as OS for FEC
      3. CESAR renovation

      IV. New CTTB Initiatives
      1. WRAP & PyUI Review
      2. Wireless fieldbus
      3. Copper to fibre

      V. Shared GRAD requests status

      VI. CONS Requests Endorsed by the CTTB

      VII. Status of ATS-IT initiatives triggered by CTTB

      VIII. AOB: CTSB/CTTB structure review: CF vs WG

      Speakers: Alessandro Masi (CERN), Daniel Wollmann (CERN), David Nisbet (CERN), Etienne Carlier (CERN)