LPHE seminars

Using the photon-induced production of tau leptons to constrain tau g-2

by Cecile Sarah Caillol (CERN)

BSP 626 / Zoom

BSP 626 / Zoom


The photon-induced production of a pair of tau leptons is observed in proton-proton collisions with data collected in Run-2 by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Signal events are identified thanks to their low track multiplicity around the di-tau vertex. These events are used to set constraints on the anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton, significantly improving previous measurements from the LEP era.  

Organised by

Chiara Perrina, Alina Kleimenova

Zoom Meeting ID
Lesya Shchutska
Alternative hosts
Fred Blanc, Chiara Perrina, Elisabeth Maria Niel, Olivier Paul Schneider, Radoslav Marchevski
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