2024 IMC photo contest

Claire Adam Bourdarios (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

The description of the International Masterclass programme, IPPOG's flagship's projecct, was integrated in the web site ippog.org in 2023. 


To celebrate this milestone and enhance its visibility, a photo contest was organised between Febrary 15th and April 15th.


This indico contains contributions and all related information that will be the base of the Jury's decision

    • 09:00 09:20
      1st prize - Stefano Marcellini - Scientist - Particle therapy @Bologna, Italy [ Informed, will share a drink @CERN ] 20m

      Author: Stefano Marcellini, INFN - Bologna, Italy

      The event was the Particle Therapy MC, held in Bologna, Italy, on 15 march 2024. Partecipants: students of the last year of "Liceo Scientifico" from Emilia Romagna and Marche regions in Italy.
      Event organized by INFN Sezione di Bologna and University of Bologna, Italy

      Title of the series (5 photos): Hands on Particle Therapy

    • 09:20 09:40
      2nd prize - Lydia Roos & team - Scientist - ATLAS @ First IMC in Kenya [ Informed, could setup an ATLAS VV ? ] 20m

      Message from Lydia :

      The photos were taken by Joseph Wataka and Dennis Langat Kipkoech.

      "The school we have invited is in a poor area of Nairobi. For most of the students, if not all of them, it was their first time using a computer. I think they did very well. They were extremely attentive and serious. CERN must look so strange to them, such a different world from their usual environment! During the videoconference, it was quite striking how different was the behaviour of the students in Jerusalem, relaxed, at ease, and the behaviour of the students in Nairobi, very formal, very polite! Finally, we were quite lucky not to have any powercut yesterday nor serious internet issue.
      A month after, I had the opportunity to visit the school. I have added a few photos of this visit. The school was very proud that for the first time, they had this year student who was qualified to go to university."

    • 09:40 10:00
      3rd prize ex-aequo - Emilie Maurice & Sylvaine Pieyre - Scientists - CMS @ Ecole Polytechnique, France [ Informed, will share a drink @CERN ] 20m

      Dear committee,

      I am pleased to submit the attached 4 photos for the photo contest. They were all taken during the CMS 2024 masterclass, at the Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau. The author is Sylvaine Pieyre, for all of them. The consent was obtained from all the persons present.
      More precisely :
      - Photo named : MasterClass_29022024_Speaker :
      CMS masterclass from Feb 29th / Institute organising the event : Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) / Class participating : Campus Sainte Thérèse at Ozouer-la-Ferrière
      Caption : The Standard Model Lagrangian on a professor with a touch of humour and joy !

      • Photo named : MasterClass_29022024_HandsOn :
        CMS masterclass from Feb 29th / Institute organising the event : Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) / Class participating : Campus Sainte Thérèse at Ozouer-la-Ferrière
        Caption : Delving into the mysteries of the Higgs boson...

      • Photo named : MasterClass_19032024_Speaker :
        CMS masterclass from March 19th / Institute organising the event : Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) / Class participating : Lycée Martin Luther King at Bussy-Saint-Georges
        Caption : Let's debrief the exercise with a cheerful and entertaining professor !

      • Photo named : MasterClass_19032024_TriggeringCuriosity :
        CMS masterclass from March 19th / Institute organising the event : Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) / Class participating : Lycée Martin Luther King at Bussy-Saint-Georges

      Caption : Triggering curiosity with a crystal from the CMS calorimeter

    • 10:00 10:20
      3rd prize ex-aequo - Cecilia Uribe Estrada - Scientist - CMS @ BUAP [Informed, will share a drink @CERN ] 20m

      The first 18 photos are from where I work, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). The students in these pictures are first year physics undergraduate students (around 19 years old). They were very motivated and happy that we had organized the IMC event. Several of them told me, after the Masterclass, that they were now more interested in HEP and even considering taking experimental particle physics as their major.

      The last 20 photos are in the high school named Emiliano Zapata (the students in the pictures are around 17 years old), this school belongs to the BUAP. Along the years, we had organized every year at least 2 IMC events there. The success of the events has been proven, when later on we found students in our university studying physics that have told us, that an IMC inspired them to pursue a career in science and in many cases specifically in HEP.

      I have been strongly involved with the IMC events since 2018, particularly in the American continent. I can attest that in my experience the International Masterclasses have been an initial point for young students to discover the fascinating world of particle physics and in many cases, they have inspired them to pursue a STEM career.

    • 10:20 10:40
      Special jury prize - Raul Sarmento & Henrique Carvalho - Scientists - Auger @ Braga, Portugal [ Informed, will share a drink @LIP ] 20m

      Last week, in Braga, we organized the participation in one of the Auger International Masterclasses of IMC2024.

      Henrique (in cc) took the opportunity to record a video and produce a short time lapse of full-day activity.

    • 10:40 11:00
      Samia Rahmoun - Student - Particle therapy @ Pavia, Italy [ Only student - Informed, will send her a gift ] 20m

      my name is Samia Rahmoun, and I wanted to participate to the IMC photo contest.

      I participated to the masterclass of particle therapy of the 27th of February 2024.
      It was an amazing experience set in the department of physics in the Universal of Pavia.
      In the first part of the day they explained to us the theory about particle therapy including the reference to CNAO “Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica”.
      In the second part they explained to us how to make the experiment that is illustrated in the pictures linked below.

    • 11:00 11:20
      Mariyana Katsarova - Teacher - CMS @ Svoge, Bulgaria [ follow up with Bulgaria representative ] 20m

      My name is Mariyana Katsarova, a physics teacher and I would like to participate in the IMC Photo Contest. On 26.02.2024 a physics masterclass was held at high school “Velizar Peev” in the city of Svoge, Bulgaria. The subject of the class was elementary particles and 29 students from Svoge municipality took part in it. The event was part of the Physics Outreach Group IPPOG and International Masterclasses and was co-organized together by the Faculty of Physics at the University of Sofia and the Institute for Nuclear Researches and Nuclear Energy. The event was hosted and coordinated by me (Maryana Katsarova), physics teacher at “Velizar Peev” high school and Zdravka Andreeva, physics teacher at “Ivan Vazov” high school.
      Attached you can find 5 photos which were taken by Petar Dimitrov on the event day.
      In the 3rd picture the face of Roumyana Hadjiiska can be seen. I have her explicit agreement that the photo can be sent to the contest.
      Please find below description for all 5 pictures:
      Each attendant was given cookies in the shape of elementary particles, made by the students of “Velizar Peev” high school.
      At 17h videoconference call was held with the CERN students and young people from Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The results of each work group were presented as discussion and there also was a questionnaire for the participants.
      Roumyana Hadjiiska, Associate Professor at the Institute for Nuclear Researches and Nuclear Energy, gave the students a theoretical introduction of physics high energy and elementary particles and explained the methodic of the experiment.
      The students worked with experimental data from the CMS detector in CERN.
      The students got in the role of researchers and made their own assessment on real data of the CMS experiment.
      The event was a huge success and everyone, students and teachers, were very happy that they were part of if.
      Hope you will also find the pictures interesting.

    • 11:20 11:40
      Svejina Dimitrova - CMS@ Varna, Bulgaria [ follow up with Bulgaria representative ] 20m

      Dear colleagues,
      I`m sending few photos from CERN Masterclass - CMS for the contest:
      Authorship: Svejina Dimitrova
      Description: Varna, Bulgaria, Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium "Nicolaus Copernicus" , 19 th March.
      Consent was obtained from all the persons who are in these pictures.
      Best regards,
      Svejina Dimitrova

    • 11:40 12:00
    • 12:00 12:20
      Tobias Golling - Scientist - ATLAS @Genève, Switzerland [ Informed ] 20m

      The Master class date fell in the middle of school vacations, a general call was thus sent to students who applied individually. The group was small but highly motivated. All of them were 18 years old, and all gave permission to publish the photos.

      The whole ATLAS group participated, under the leadership of Tobias Golling. Photos by Claire Adam.

    • 12:20 12:40