EVERSE WP3 monthly meeting #5

Neil Chue Hong, Thomas Vuillaume (LAPP, CNRS, Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)


From the same series
    • 11:00 11:25
      T3.1 - Status Update on surveys 25m
    • 11:25 11:50
      MS3.1 - Workshop preparation 25m

      First evaluation of the tools and services in WP3 the form of a workshop against WP2 initial best practices (MS2.1) and recommendations to adapt these tools if necessary

      • audience
      • format
      • restricted set of tools and services?
    • 11:50 11:55
      T3.2 and T3.3 starting next month 5m
      • task leaders should start coordinating
      • presentation of tasks and first actions plan during next meeting
    • 11:55 12:05
      AOB 10m