Nearby airports and train stations:
- Bydgoszcz c.a. 50 km from Toruń by car or 45 mins by train, the most convenient train station Bydgoszcz Główna,
- Poznań c.a. 210 km from Toruń by car or 1.5-2 h by train, the most convenient train station Poznań Główny,
- Gdańsk c.a. 170 km from Toruń by car or 3 h by train, the most convenient train station Gdańsk Port Lotniczy,
- Warsaw c.a. 260 km from Toruń by car or 3 h by train, the most convenient train station Warszawa Lotnisko Chopina.
One of our typical connections between Geneva and Toruń:
Genewa (GVA ) Bydgoszcz ( BZG )
Monday 6 May 2024 | 4h 05m
10:25 Genewa, Genewa (GVA) LO418 Embraer 195
12:35 Warszawa, Warszawa (WAW)
13:40 Warszawa, Warszawa (WAW) LO3993 Embraer 170
14:30 Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz (BZG)
From the airport to Bydgoszcz Głowna station (taxi or bus 80 - You can buy your ticket on the bus using a contactless debit or credit card). The train trip to Toruń takes about 50 min.
All the Poland’s timetables (buses, trains etc.) are well-connected with Google Maps.
Polish railways' webpage:, you can buy the tickets online, max. 30 days in advance
Recommended destination railway station in Toruń: Toruń Główny (Main Station) or Toruń Miasto. Several bus lines to the city centre are available from the Main Station. The tickets can be bought in a kiosk at the station or on the bus. From Toruń Miasto you can either take a tram or just walk.
A list of hotels nearby (you can find it also on the
Expensive, but nearby:
- Hotel Filmar, Grudziądzka 39-43, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
- Mercure Toruń Centrum, Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego 1/3, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
Below 200 PLN/day:
- B&B Hotel, Szumana 8, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
- Hotel Czarna Róża, Rabiańska 11, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
- Hotel Gromada, Żeglarska 10/14, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
- Hotel Meeting, Gen. J. Bema 73-89, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
- ibis budget, Ks Jerzego Popieluszki 2a, 87100 Toruń
- Gotyk, Piekary 20, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
even cheaper:
- Hostel Orange, ul. Prosta 19, Stare Miasto, 87-100 Toruń
- Hostel Orange Plus, ul. Jęczmienna 11, Stare Miasto
How to get to room SA COK
Room SA COK is located on the second floor in the middle wing of the building, please use the stairs to the second floor in the atrium near the bar.