HL-LHC BGI - integration meeting

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Gunn Khatri (CERN), James Storey (CERN), Jean-Pierre Corso (CERN), João Oliveira (CERN), Miguel Navarro Baeza (CERN)

Minutes prepared by Gunn


João Oliveira has his modifications in blue.

Miguel Navarro modifications in green.


For reference, please see previous integration meetings:





Miguel, João, Jean-Pierre and Gunn



  • For EYETS 24-25 we plan to install cables, fibres and a standalone test device based on timepix chip (outside the vacuum). 
  • No de-installation is foreseen (keep the old magnet with power converters and cables for EYETS 24-25).
  • Fibres end near the instrument will be in 2x1U units on the left (and 2x1U units on the right) of point 4, their locations are identified, the same as the ones for BSRT ones.
  • Fibres and signal cables on the service tunnel end will be in the existing SY-BI racks (BY01, BY02 on the left of point4, BY16, BY17 on the right of point 4)
  • Triplet magnet technology is decided, most likely COMBO power converters (SY-EPC-LPC COMBO-ELENA) will be selected by EPC (to be confirmed in the coming days/weeks)
  • Cooling water and # of circuits seem sufficient for magnets (COMBO is air-cooled)


João/Miguel/Jean-Pierre (EYETS 24-25):

  • In the ECR document (template LHC), make sure to include verify with E. Paulat (emmanuel.paulat@cern.ch) if a  VIC (visit inspection chantier)  is needed to have the safety team check what we want to do along with for example EN-CV if change if cooling water circuits and the activity as a whole.
  • Will all the racks be equipped with equipment for all 4 instruments in EYETS or just one for the test? (the plan was one for prototype, but since the last meeting, the suggestion was to do most work you can during YETS, to be confirmed with Mark)
  • EN-EL should be explicitly informed that there is no de-installation of this EYETS 24-25 (different teams remove cables than the ones who install)
  • 1st July 2024 is the deadline for ECR for all activities in EYETS 24-25
  • The ECR for the LHC baseline and for HL-LHC should be prepared separately, the content probably will remain the same but the template will change. (the content is quite different since the one for the LHC baseline is related to the installation in the LHC tunnel while the other one is related to the entrance of the BGI in the HL-LHC Baseline and details the impact in the other work packages.) No need to provide ECR for HL-LHC for EYETS24-25, only LS3.
  • Bruno Feral provided Gunn with ECR templates: 

    LHC-BGI-EC-0005 - EYETS 24-25 - Update of Beam Gas Ionisation (BGI) - EDMS 3070734

    LHC-BGI-EC-0006 - LS3 - Update of Beam Gas Ionisation (BGI) - EDMS 3070735

  • If BGV is to be de-installed in EYETS, keep in mind the deadline for ECR is 1st July as well.
  • Go through detailed integration with Miguel and Jean-Pierre
  • Extra to the Include in ECR provide documents for all the tests and procedures that you will do for example testing the timepix. 


João/Miguel/Jean-Pierre (LS3):

  • HL WP15 Equipment Integration Note: EDMS 2932261 
  • SY-BI Functional Specifications for the new HL-LHC BGI: EDMS 3036181 
  • 1st July 2025 is the deadline for ECR for LS3 activities (here is an example LHC-BGC-EC-0005)
  • Make sure to initiate communication already with the BE-GM for survey/alignments well in advance (Survey guidelines LHC-G-EN-0001)
  • The integration team will prepare the differential layout drawings (before and after changes), ensure to are released and mentioned in the ECR for LS3
  • The vacuum production and procurement according to Giuseppe Bregliozzi (TE-VSC) from the last meeting can take 1-1.5 years, so have them in the loop earliest possible.
  • Gunn: The above points will be taken care of by SY-BI-ML, I will inform William/Chiara
  • Magnet and Power converter: logically one has to remove old ones before installing new ones. LS3 will be very busy in terms of resources (transport etc) so plan this well in advance, and involve transport in PLAN activities. 
  • Communicate with RP if any of the equipment marked for removal needs a special procedure if radioactive. Miguel to contact Angelo Infantino.
  • Make a list of items to be removed and have it circulated with stakeholders even before ECR is ready.
  • Vacuum pipes and bakeout -> Gunn: we have a meeting with VSC this week and then BI-ML on mechanics
  • Cable routes (horizontal cores), there is one right next to the BGI magnet power converter but keep in mind this will also be used for BSRTMB. 
  • Can your DC and signal cables be installed on the same route without having issues of electromagnetic interference?
  • The gas injection rack/table is installed under the yellow magnet table, the height is perfect. Will you use the existing magnet support table or make new ones? If making new ones, may want to have enough height for the gas injection rack to go underneath (inform ML)
  • The right side of point 4 is very much constrained as the BGI is installed on the outer beam (near the wall) and BSRT on the inner beam with a much larger beam pipe. Note that the same BSRT required enlarged chamber is installed on the left side of point 4. However, it exists in the outer (external) beam 2.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:30 09:50
      Go through list of activities for EYETS 24-25 and LS3 20m
      Speakers: Gunn Khatri (CERN), Jean-Pierre Corso (CERN), João Oliveira (CERN), Miguel Navarro Baeza (CERN)