16 April 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

HEPTrepreneurs is the online series of events organised by HEPTech and GSI in collaboration with CERN dedicated to all members and partners of the network. The series focusses of High Energy Physics Entrepreneurship and covers various themes. The inspirational and interactive talks, round tables and keynotes are made for all those interested in entrepreneurship, but also for young people who want to know more about alternatives careers to research and for technology transfer officers looking for people to inspire. The meetings will include a presentation, a Q&A session and offers possibilities for networking.


HEPTrepreneurs Episode 14

Type: Technical Talk and Q&A

Title: What can a particle accelerator do for industry? Consulting to Academia as a Business Model.

Speaker: Dr. Gerd Datzmann, Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH


Dr. Gerd Datzmann is a physicist by education and specialized in nuclear and accelerator physics at the Technical University Munich (TUM). During his PhD project, he developed and operated a nuclear microprobe for high energy protons and heavy ions for unique material characterization.
In 2016 Dr. Datzmann founded his own company Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH (DINI). DINI provides a portfolio of services centering on accelerator applications in the field of advanced material analytics, proton therapy and radiation hardness testing.
Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH is a partner in the EU-program RADNEXT and is actively engaged in outreach and dissemination as well as in technology transfer activities to industry in the field of radiation hardness testing, therein. 

Content of the webinar:

  • Why consulting to academia is a promising alternative to a research career?
  • Barriers and obstacles in the consulting business.
  • How to start: Your 1st customer.
  • Marketing and Sales activities in the academic environment.     


For better planning of the event, please register if possible via the link below.

For better planning of the event, please register if possible via the link below.


Join Videoconference:


Zoom Meeting ID: 613 8883 5777

Passcode: 461964

Information on data protection: zoom.us/de-de/privacy.html


HEPTech: http://www.heptech.eu/https://www.linkedin.com/company/66190639

GSI / FAIRhttps://www.gsi.dehttps://www.linkedin.com/company/gsi-helmholtz-centre-for-heavy-ion-research/mycompany/


