25 June 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Coordinating the High Luminosity LHC project

25 Jun 2024, 15:15
81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B (CERN)

81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B


Show room on map


Estrella Vergara Fernandez (CERN)


The HL-LHC aims to enhance the LHC performance increasing the LHC integrated luminosity by a factor of ten. The project relies on the design, fabrication and installation of cutting-edge systems and equipment. Methodological coordination management is crucial to handle the complex interlinked deliverables and successfully integrate them into the new HL-LHC facilities and LHC tunnel.

This presentation explains the coordination management process and tools implemented to ensure timely equipment delivery, anticipate potential risks, implement mitigation actions and manage baseline changes. Emphasizing the importance of a single source of truth, the presentation exposes the two fundamental pillars for the coordination team. On one hand, the definition of the Master Schedules for each HL-LHC Work Packages and the tracking of established metrics, such as float and trends of ready-to-install dates. On the other hand, the planning and coordination of the new facilities' installations, as well as the integration of the HL-LHC interventions within the LHC programmed stops.

Presentation materials