21–23 Oct 2024
H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz
Europe/Berlin timezone
Discover the timetable of the EOSC Symposium 2024 below.


Examples of EOSC scientific, societal and economic impact (Part 2)

21 Oct 2024, 17:00


The purpose of the session is to explore instruments and best practices to generate and document impact in relation to EOSC, FAIR principles and Open Science. The first presentation will describe the the early findings of the PATHOS project that is exploring how to better understand and measure Open Science impacts. The first presentation will be followed by a second presentation by ELIXIR providing a concrete example of socio-economic impact. The session is closed with a panel discussing the lessons learnt and challenges in showcasing and documenting impact for EOSC, FAIR and Open Science.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...