21–23 Oct 2024
H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz
Europe/Berlin timezone
Discover the timetable of the EOSC Symposium 2024 below.


Legal issues along the research data cycle

22 Oct 2024, 14:00


Data access and re-use has become increasingly important for research activities. As an example, developments in artificial intelligence rely on the use of large, high-quality datasets. However, researchers face hurdles. Various data and digital legislations have been recently adopted, creating a complex landscape not always easy for them to navigate. Additionally, there is the need to support capacity building on appropriate IP and research data management, to help researchers with issues such as data ownership, cross-border sharing of data and research security. The roundtable will involve legal experts, representatives from infrastructures and research organizations, to discuss challenges and possible ways forward.

Presentation materials

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