21–23 Oct 2024
H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz
Europe/Berlin timezone
Discover the timetable of the EOSC Symposium 2024 below.


Unconference | Findability in FAIR: Touchpoints between EOSC and Open Web Search

22 Oct 2024, 17:00


Organised by: FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT, OpenWebSearch.eu

This session explores novel ways for current and future collaboration in findability (F) in FAIR, and how it contributes to the future goals on FAIR data and principles in the context of EOSC. The session addresses the importance of transparency in development of search applications and tools, and discusses how widening collaboration may benefit the whole research community. The session investigates synergies within science-search-focused contexts through examples from OpenWebSearch.eu, FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT. It discusses how improved findability impacts science, industry and society as a whole. It contributes to the objectives outlined in the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and to Europe’s sovereignty for accessing and using the web.

We will engage the audience into discussions through an audience interaction platform, and approach the topic of findability with emphasis on collaboration. This session will be a great opportunity to find synergies and boost ideas by injecting the user perspective.

Presentation materials

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