27 June 2024
Instituto Superior Técnico
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Spherical accretion of a Vlasov gas to a Kerr black hole

27 Jun 2024, 14:40
Sala de Formação Avançada ( Instituto Superior Técnico )

Sala de Formação Avançada

Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa


João Joaquim


Astrophysical compact objects are known to attract matter in their surroundings, in a process known as accretion. This is one of the most important contributions to the formation and evolution of large-scale structures such as galaxies, stars and compact objects. In this work, we investigate relativistic collisionless accretion to rotating black holes. First steps towards the implementation of Kerr spacetime in the OSIRIS-GR code are taken and validated, allowing to perform this research with many-particle simulations. Finally, preliminary results for the Kerr effective potentials are obtained numerically outside the equatorial plane for a Vlasov gas, resorting to single-particle simulations.

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