Softball Club AGPM 2024- All Purpose General Meeting
Minutes of the Softball Club 2024 All-Purpose General Meeting (APGM)
Location: Les Brasseurs Geneva
Date: Tuesday April 30th, Start: 19:00 CEST
Present: Rachel Miller, Coleman Nee, John Apostolakis, Dan Pruzin, Norman Maldonado, Adam Maldonado, Bennett Greenberg, Greg Agius, Thomas M., Benjamin B., Diego T., Paul, Ron Jacobs (partial)
Excuses: Phillip Santos, Andre Henriques.
Indico Meeting URL:
Draft: 0.4
Editors: John Apostolakis, Andre Henriques, 12 July 2024, 09:00
Agenda approved
Approval of Minutes of 2023 APGM
Report of 2023 Activities
The Club committee members presented a report on the club activities in 2023..
– The CERN/WTO Colliders team participated in the Geneva Softball League’s games from April-September 2023.
– The season start on 23 April was the earliest in a decade. Five games were held by mid-May.
– Access to the softball/baseball field at the Centre Sportif de Vessy ended in May, as the field was closed for the construction of alternative sporting facilities.
– The majority of games were played at the Bellevue field (Childers Field), in close coordination with the field hosts.
– GSL league games were organised at Higgs Field (CERN Prevessin) on 2 July, well attended by the Boer and Buenavista team members and the hosting CERN Colliders.
– A smaller friendly with First Responders was organised at Higgs Field on 9 July.
– A team bat was purchased for the club by Dan Pruzin in 2023 was discovered to be defective. A replacement bat, provided by the manufacturer, will be picked up in June by Rachel.
Report of 2023 Accounts
John Apostolakis & Coleman Nee
– The provisional accounts for 2023 were presented and discussed. To be finalised in the succeeding days.
– Note: reimbursement for the purchase of the club bat will be undertaken in 2024.
Election of Club officers:
After the role of the officers was described briefly, an election was held. its results were:
– President: John Apostolakis (CERN): 10 for, 1 abstention. Elected
– Treasurer: Coleman Nee (WTO): unanimous. Elected
– Secretary: Andre Henriques (CERN): unanimous. Elected
– Higgs field officer: Bennett Greenberg (CERN) unanimous. Elected
– Uniform officer: Rachel Miller (ISO) - unanimous. Elected
– Vice President: Andre Henriques (CERN) - unanimous. Elected
The APGM meeting endorses that Coleman Nee, the treasurer, and John Apostolakis, as president, have individual signatory rights to the bank account of the Softball Club at UBS.
Note: A derogation will be requested from the Staff Association’s CERN Club Committee (CCC) for the appointment of Coleman Nee (WTO) to the post of treasurer.
Planning 2024 Activities
– Took part in the CERN Club event at the Relay Race, May 2023 to advertise the club.
– Participate as the Geneva Colliders team in the Swiss Softball League, Swiss-Romande section.
– John Apostolakis agreed to advance the 100.- CHF registration fee on behalf of the club.
– Games will be organised as mini-tournaments on Saturday or Sunday, with teams subscribing to each tournament as available.
– Dates for the tournaments at Bulle, Lausanne, CERN, Martigny and Sierre are foreseen. Potentially also in Basel.
– The club will host a tournament at Higgs field on the CERN Prevessin site on the weekend of 6-7 July 2024.
– Participate in the Geneva (Slow-Pitch) Softball League for approximately 2 weekends each month. Three teams are confirmed, and the Mission is seeking to create a team.
– The field in Bellevue is expected to be available for several Sunday games.
– Recruit new players from CERN, other organisations and companies in the Geneva area
– Showcase the club in the CERN Clubs event at the CERN Relay Race (11 June 2024) - organiser: John
– Prepare posters to advertise the club.
– Organise work days to prepare the CERN Prevessin Field
– Repair the line painting machine, in anticipation of hosting the Swiss league.
– Find pins to secure the bases
– Organise purchases of necessary supplies
– Order game balls (Rachel) and also wiffle balls (John) for practice
– Order new uniforms - Rachel agreed to find and interact with the supplier, John to create a form to collect information on who is interested.
None raised
Meeting was adjourned at 20:15