EP-ESE Electronics Seminars

Low voltage distribution in the harsh environment of the CMS detector: How to condition megawatts of power to supply extra-low voltages for modern microelectronics devices.

by Krzysztof Stachon (ETH Zurich (CH))

13/2-005 (CERN)



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The readout electronics of the CMS detector will consume more than a MW of electric power after the phase II upgrade. Have you ever wondered how this electric power is delivered to the detector volume? If your first thought was ‘with cables’, you are right, but there is a lot more to say about how this power must be conditioned before it can finally reach microelectronics at the voltage levels of 1.2 – 2.5 V DC and a total current of over 500 000 A.


This seminar will cover the entire conversion chain from the power grid to the microelectronics, with particular focus on Low Voltage Power Supplies (LVPS) - a custom device converting 380 VDC to 12 VDC. Hosted in the CMS experimental cavern where radiation (TID: 32 Gy, high energy hadrons fluence: 2e11 cm-2, 1MeV-eq. neutron fluence: 2e12 cm-2) and stray magnetic field (120 mT) are present, the LVPS must be carefully designed to withstand this harsh environment. In these conditions, most off-the-shelf laboratory power supplies will fail immediately. It was therefore a big effort and a challenge to build such a device using Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components and achieve >88% efficiency across 120x60W channels in a compact 5U (19”) form factor, delivering over 1400 W per Rack Unit.


I will firstly present the concept and design choices followed by the journey of rigorous testing at various stages to ensure compliance with the harsh environmental conditions. A variety of examples illustrating the issues encountered along with their corresponding mitigation strategies will be presented.



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