Present: Eirik (UiO), Carl Andreas (UiO), David (UiO), Alex (UiO), Eli (UiO), James (UiO), Steffen (HVL), Farid (UiO), Ali (USN), Trine (UiO), Heidi (UiO), Trygve (HVL)
Notified absense: Anna (UiB)
- The Google Doc (linked above) is now the working document, should contain all info.
- Next step is to refine the current text. To better answer all the questions they are asking.
- Will we get feedback from UiO?
- We are not sure, but should in any case proceed now, as we do not have much time until June 7.
- We think there will be some coordination at faculty level at some point, but we don't know what and when.
- The sketches which Oslo will lead will get som help. With budgeting, for instance.
- We might have an advantage, by covering themes not covered by anyone else, and we have multiple institutions.
- We should focus on our own sketch for now, and worry about possible collaborations later. What do we want to do?
- Main theme: Large-scale data and large-scale infrastructure.
- We have a list of topics (top of page 3), need to group them and tell a consistent story.
- Industry component:
- It is not clear what they will ask on involvement of industry partners. But we think they will ask for collaboration with industry.
- We should probably ask. If this is not important for the June deadline, we can leave it for later.
- Add to document:
- List of contacts (industry)
- List of topics / chapters (grouping the bullet points we already have)
- Do the grouping related to the three "spor" NFR has defined?
- Samfunnskonsekvenser av KI og annen digitale teknologier
- Teknologi: Utvikling av fremtidens digitale teknologier, med hovedvekt på kunstig intelligens
- Innovasjon: Hvordan ta i bruk KI og digitale teknologier.
- James makes a newdle for a working meeting Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday next week.
- Ali from UiA will read the document closely and figure out how they can fit into this.
- HVL has talked to UiB and will be joining their initiative (in addition to the NorCC one).
- Other initiatives we know of:
- UiO dScience
- UiO something health-related
- UiO FI quantum initiative
- UiB
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