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- Indico Weeks View
People connected
CERN: G Ganis, J Fanini, MIT: G M Innocenti, Yen-Jie Lee, Yi Chen, Yu-Chen Chen, Chris Mc Ginn
Excused: M Maggi
The meeting started with a presentation round table, during which the scope of the project was presented, and the attendees explained their roles and expectations from the activity.
GG shared the origin of the idea to migrate the LEP data to a common format (Key4HEP/EDM4hep) and the efforts made to secure support from funding bodies, which culminated in FCC providing funds for a CERN Technical Student, J Fanini, who commenced in March 2024.
JF explained what he has been working on, particularly the handling of the 'MIT text files', files produced by MM for the two-particle correlation analysis performed at MIT. He explained that he set up a software chain to parse the files and create the first version of EDM4hep files. All components are meant to be interchangeable. He has now started to look closely at the ALEPH analysis code, aiming to write a program that can extract more detailed information from the ALEPH files.
Yen-Jie Lee mentioned his interest in increasing the statistics (more LEP experiments) and including LEP2 data (Yu-Chen Chen).
GMI mentioned the kind of analysis he is involved in CMS, ALICE, and now EIC, which also uses Key4HEP; he mentioned his interest in having access to the dEdx for charged particles.
GMI is interested in getting more information on the Key4HEP usage at EIC (action: GG to provide links/contacts)
Plans ahead
MIT text files
, document them, and provide an example of usage (CERN);
Agreed to meet again early June (exact date to be defined)
Notes edited by G Ganis, 14 May 2024 (feel free to add/correct)