IdeaSquare 10th anniversary

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor (CERN)

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
Show room on map
Jimmy Poulaillon, Mirabelle Breidvik (Paris Executive Business School (PEBS) (FR))

IdeaSquare 10th anniversary event | NOV 08

Dear CERN community!

Join us for a special celebration as IdeaSquare marks a decade of creativity and innovation! 

On the 8th of November, IdeaSquare, the innovation space at CERN, marks its 10th anniversary with a series of engaging discussions exploring the journey of IdeaSquare over the past decade and giving us a glimpse into the exciting future ahead.

IdeaSquare is a rapid prototyping and multipurpose innovation space at CERN, freely accessible to members of the CERN community. With a decade-long legacy of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, IdeaSquare embodies the spirit of exploration and discovery.

During the day you will be able to meet distinguished speakers from all over the world, engage in informal discussions and enjoy a refreshing coffee break. 

This event is open to the CERN community, including principal holders of a CERN access card.
IdeaSquare collaborators with a visitor badge issued by the IdeaSquare team are also eligible to register.

By registering, you will receive a ticket and QR code to collect your trinkets and partyhats at the entrance of the venue.


Find out more about IdeaSquare using these links:

Let’s prototype; bring your challenges!

Find out about our EU projects; Green Village, ATTRACT, and Citizen Science initiatives.

Get inspired by the methodology of our educational programmes.

Meet the team.

Mirabelle Breidvik and Jimmy Poulaillon
    • 10:25 10:59
      Doors open 34m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      The doors to The Globe of science and innovation open.
      coffee and tea for those who are early.

    • 11:00 11:07
      Welcome 7m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      Welcome to IdeaSquare's 10th anniversary!
      A short introduction with Pablo Garcia Tello

    • 11:08 11:18
      Chris Hartley: IPT Department Head 10m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Christopher Hartley (CERN)
    • 11:19 11:39
      On the Origin of IdeaSquare by Means of Natural Serendipity, or the Preservation of Fortuitous Encounters in the Struggle for Collaboration, 20m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      By Pablo Garcia Tello

      Speaker: Pablo Garcia Tello (CERN)
    • 11:40 12:30
      Markus Nordberg and Marzio Nessi 50m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      The creation of IdeaSquare. the building’s construction and the Neutrino platform hosted at IdeaSquare

      Speakers: Markus Nordberg (CERN), Marzio Nessi (CERN)
    • 12:31 14:01
      Lunch 1h 30m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      Lunch will be provided, offering a chance to network and engage in informal discussions.

    • 14:03 14:28
      Kalevi ‘Eetu’ Ekman 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Kalevi Ekman
    • 14:28 14:53
      Sergio Bertolucci 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Sergio Bertolucci (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
    • 14:53 15:18
      Mar Capeans Garrido 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Mar Capeans Garrido (CERN)
    • 15:20 16:05
      Coffee break 45m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map

      Need some coffee, or some air? How about writing something on that post-it board behind you?

    • 16:06 16:31
      Harri Toivonen 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Show room on map
      Speaker: Harri Toivonen (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
    • 16:32 16:57
      Jonathan Wareham 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Jonathan Wareham
    • 16:58 17:23
      Special announcement 25m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speakers: Catarina Batista, Jimmy Poulaillon, Luciana Leveratto (wonnd)
    • 17:24 17:30
      Thank you for coming 6m 80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor

      80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


      Espl. des Particules 1, 1217 Meyrin.
      Show room on map
      Speaker: Pablo Garcia Tello (CERN)