
Medipix Workshop using MiniPIX-EDU detectors

by Pinelopi Christodoulou (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

3179 (CERN IdeaSquare)


CERN IdeaSquare


Have you ever wondered how the Medipix detectors works? In this workshop, we would like to introduce you to hybrid pixelated photon processing detectors through the education kit MiniPIX-EDU. These detectors can visualize different types of radiation, so it is a great tool to better understand how particles interact with matter. 

We will provide you with all the equipment you need, which are laptops with the Pixet BASIC Software installed. 

Duration: ~ 1 h 30 min

  • 30 min: Introduction of the basics, such as
    • Hybrid photon counting semiconductor pixel detectors
    • Interaction of particles with matter
    • Brief presentation of some of the cool applications of the detectors (spectroscopic X-ray imaging, space dosimetry, material reconstruction, high energy physics)
  • 30 min: Learning and using the Pixet software on pre-gathered data.
  • 30 min: Live data gathering from different low-activity radioactive sources. We will measure the amount of radon at IdeaSquare with a live experiment. 


Disclaimer: we will use low-activity radioactive sources for this workshop. 


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