21–22 May 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
Klang Games is a startup based in Berlin that is developing SEED: an incredibly ambitious game simulating the future of humanity.
Both Seed and IdeaSquare are following similar creative paths related to interplanetary creation and exploration. What we want to do with our students is what Seed is about - giving a blank canvas to start a new society in a different planet.
This means that the overlaps are incredibly exciting, for e.g., at IdeaSquare we might be able to test and play the game with our many student groups while providing a great PR and testing platform for Seed and collaborate towards its development.
Next week is a first meeting to get to know each other and explore possible collaboration opportunities.


For access on CERN site, please send an email to Catarina Batista.


Meeting point is at IdeaSquare: once out from the tram, walk around the Globe and through the Science Gateway parking lot.
You will find us at the end of the parking lot.

Application for this event is currently open.