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WP1 Monthly Meeting, 2024-06-26
Attending: Sanje Fenkart (CERN), Shoaib Sufi (UNIMAN), Nikos Pechlivanis (CERTH), Tassos Stavropoulo (OpenAIRE), Giacomo Peru (UEDIN), Monica Abrudan (ELIXIR Hub), Pavel Straňák (CU), Aspa Orfanou (CERTH),Stefania Amodeo (OpenAIRE), Carlos Martinez (eScience Center), Faruk Diblen (eScience Center), Jonathan Tedds (Elixir, delayed), Daniel Garijo (UPM), Eleonora Parisi (LIfewatch ERIC), Marco Bartolini, Zhiming Zhao (UvA/ENVRI)
Apologies: Graeme Stewart (CERN)
Reminder: Institute contacts
ACTION: Please fill in who to contact in your institute for WP1: Spreadsheet in Owncloud
Task 1.1
Refined document on research software quality, iterations done; outlined the values for insitutes and individuals to join EVERSE, engagement with communities and clusters still under debate as well as connections to industries; membership either for individuals or as organisation, currently no fees
scope of research software (how broad "Europe and beyond")
Task 1.2
Next meeting 03/07/2024, 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
Agenda: 1) presentation of OpenAIRE communities (Tassos) and 2) Participants to review a structured document on governance documentation
In the future, we would like to propose some topics for Hackathons, and based on these, we would decide which are the 2-3 trial communities to join EVERSE first.
For hackathons first check what is there internally, find idea what a hackaton should be about <--community-specific (target audience); first planned community: physics (PANOSC)
collect ideas in documents
connect with WP4 on this
create template
Models to design a hackathon:
- Giacomo and Shoaib have experience of running international and hybrid hackathons
- some of the structure of the hackathons is documented
- Shoaib has the experience of judging and running hackathons
- Fotis: ELIXIR has experience of running hackathons / the couple of months running to the hackathon itself are very importants / what are the expected projects / who is leading it/ 2-3 people actively leading this / make sure that are expected outputs from this.
- Giacomo worked together with UNIMAN on hackathons - so they his team can help out.
- Carlos: suggestion to organise EVERSE hackathon as a satellite event to a community meeting; (e.g. https://www.adass.org/ for Astronomy, https://dhbenelux.org/ for Humanities, etc.)
Monica to write on Mattermost and ask people to brainstorm on events
Task 1.3
Organizations involved in research software
add other organisation that could fit and be targeted to join
plan to contact some of them after summer (Task 1.1 document as basis)
adapt for regions and domains
Other organisations are not aware of EVERSE; they should be made aware of objectives of EVERSE
- think RSQKit
Shoaib: What do we want to do for the organisations with which we are already connected with?
Eg Carpentries; How do we approach them? What do we offer?
Fotis: First, make them aware; ask them if they want to get involved.
Carlos: we cannot reach all the organisations in the same way; we might need to adjust message to each of the organisations;
Monica: find a communication strategy? have a clear procedure when getting in touch with organisations; add metadata to list of organisations, maybe check calendars and propose presentations of EVERSE
Eleonora: connect with task 5.3?; landscape analysis
Stakeholder engagement plan needs to be developed
How to engage? email, calling.... have a clear contact (person) - there is a contact email for EVERSE (on the website); there have been 5-6 emails of organisations and people
Giacomo - idea to have an awareness webinar on EVERSE
Eleonora- the emails received by EVERSE, could they be added to the list of organisations started by Gioacomo
Monica to start a channel on Mattermost where people can discuss ideas regarding future EVERSE activities, such as hackathons.
Next Meeting: 24 July @11h CEST https://indico.cern.ch/event/1430914/