Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries

Searching for Dark Matter with Precision Low-Energy Experiments

by Dr Yevgeny Stadnik (The University of Sydney)

93/R-031 (CERN)



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Ultra-low-mass bosonic particles produced non-thermally in the early Universe may form a coherently oscillating classical field that can comprise the observed cold dark matter.  The very high number density of such particles can give rise to characteristic wave-like signatures that are distinct from the traditional particle-like signatures considered in more traditional searches for WIMP dark matter.  In particular, ultra-low-mass scalar dark matter may induce apparent variations of the fundamental “constants” of Nature, while ultra-low-mass pseudoscalar (axionlike) dark matter may induce time-varying spin-precession effects (including oscillating electric dipole moments).  I discuss the basic principles of and recent results in searches for ultra-low-mass dark matter using a variety of precision low-energy experiments, including atomic spectroscopy, optical cavities and interferometers, magnetometry, neutron experiments and g-factor measurements.  I also discuss the possibility of using more exotic species, such as antiprotons and (anti)muons, as novel and complementary probes of dark matter.


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Zoom Meeting: ID62571543663

Host: Stefan Ulmer

Passcode: 71058295


Organised by

Dr. Barbara Maria Latacz