It is widely believed that quantum gravity should be background independent. Perhaps the most radical way to realize this is to imagine a quantum theory in which the abode of gravity, that is to say, the fabric of spacetime itself, becomes an emergent, rather than an inherent, entity. Group field theories constitute a concrete attempt at such a formulation of quantum gravity. However, in such...
In this talk, I will show how cosmological physics emerge from the collective behavior of spacetime quanta within the Group Field Theory (GFT) approach to quantum gravity. In particular, I will review key aspects of the resulting quantum cosmological physics, including the resolution of the initial singularity into a quantum bounce, the presence of a purely quantum geometric inflationary...
Group field theory (GFT) is a background independent approach to quantum gravity that exhibits a rich phenomenology in the cosmological setting. In this talk we will explore a recent proposal that reconstructs an effective metric directly from the quantum theory. This is achieved by relating metric components to the expectation values of novel operators that are based on symmetries of the GFT...