I will attempt a brief overview of a few ideas about quantum gravity and what they might reveal about a final theory.
I will introduce a dynamical system formulation for inhomogeneous LRS-II spacetimes using the covariant 1+1+2 decomposition approach, that we recently proposed in 2404.01161. Our approach describes the LRS-II dynamics from the point of view of a comoving observer. Promoting the covariant radial derivatives of the covariant dynamical quantities to new dynamical variables and utilizing the...
We investigate the exponential 𝑓 (𝑄) symmetric teleparallel gravitation, namely 𝑓 (𝑄) = 𝑄 + 𝛼𝑄_0(1 − 𝑒^(−𝛽√𝑄/𝑄_0)) using ME-GADGET code to probe the structure formation with box sizes 𝐿_box = 10/100 Mpc/ℎ and middle resolution 𝑁^1/3 = 512. To reproduce viable cosmology within the aforementioned modified gravity theory, we first perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling on...