Present: jakob, jack, ida, paul, north, lorenzo, adrian, dev, bertrand, marta, vincenzo
Remote: olivier, serguei, florine
- A newcomer: North - Welcome!
- Python for analysis training last Wednesday, 45 people connected and engaged for the full duration of the training.
- Will start the Summer Student trainings this week on Friday.
- This week on Friday, at the Training Center - Mentors: JR, Vincenzo and Florine
- 21st of Jun - Mentors: Marta, Vincenzo, JH
- 10th July - Mentors: JR, Marta,
- 25th July (TBD to see if we need to shift to the day after or before) - Mentors: Marta, Vincenzo
- Serguei: a few fixes that will be submitted in 2-3 days, TH2Poly.
- #15474: the crash and other misbehaviours are due to the initialisation of gPad.
- Idea: provide messages to the users distinguishing between interactive and non-interactive mode
Round table:
- Issue with negative bins with THStack, improving the experience of the users printing warnings
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