An introduction to the LHCb Ntuple Wizard & Ntupling Service, an application for making requests for Ntuples with LHCb open data. This will conclude with the beta release of the application to a fixed participant list.
Live demonstration to familiarize attendees with the process of requesting Ntuples using the LHCb Ntupling Service. The audience is welcome and encouraged to follow along since the beta will be live!
This will be followed by an example with a premade Ntuple ready for analysis, along with some tips on getting started. The goal is to give a sense of what can be accomplished with the data...
Data challenge with premade Ntuple(s).
Collect initial reactions and feedback from the audience on the LHCb Ntuple Ntupling Service. We can record the feedback from the discussion and use it to improve the application before the public release. During this timeslot, we can also introduce a mechanism for beta users to provide feedback during the duration of the beta.
Live demonstration along with a question / answers session to familiarize attendees with the process of requesting Ntuples using the LHCb Ntuple Wizard Service. The audience is welcome and encouraged to follow along since the beta will be live!