Welcome to the official webpage for the workshop on "Advances, Innovations, and Prospects in High-Energy Nuclear Physics". This workshop is organized in the context of the 30th anniversary of China-ALICE cooperation and the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomacy. It will be held from October 19 to 24, 2024, in Wuhan, China.

Event Highlights:

  • On-site registration: October 19, 2024
  • Conference closing: Morning of October 24, 2024
  • Registration deadline: October 15, 2024

A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) is one of the four main experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) located in Geneva, Switzerland. The ALICE Collaboration consists of 2,006 scientists and technologists from 169 research institutions in 40 countries worldwide. The aim of ALICE is to study the strongly interacting matter, called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), under extreme conditions of high temperature and energy density at the TeV domain. Our universe is thought to have been in such a primordial state for the first few millionths of a second after the Big Bang. This study was recognized as one of the "11 Greatest Unanswered Questions of Physics" in the 21st century. Besides, the ALICE research also covers the study of cold nuclear matter effects, nuclear structure, fundamental symmetries in strong magnetic fields, particle and hadron physics, as well as the connections to other fields such as cosmology.

The France-China Particle Physics Network (FCPPN) is part of the International Research Network (IRN) in France. It is formerly known as the France-China Particle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL). IRN FCPPN is a combined Research Collaborative Structure gathering a community of some 460 physicists and engineers from 18 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) joint research units with 14 French universities and Engineering Schools on the French side, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC), Purple Mountain Observatory (POM), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) affiliated to Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as well as 23 domestic universities, including Central China Normal University, on the Chinese side. The research fields relevant to the FCPPN project have a broad spectrum and cover high-energy nuclear physics, particle and hadron physics, neutrino physics, (high-energy) astroparticle physics, cosmology, accelerator physics, and theoretical physics, as well as accelerator, detector, and scientific computing technologies. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

China joined the ALICE Collaboration in 1993. The ALICE-China team includes members from seven institutions: Central China Normal University (CCNU), China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Fudan University (FDU), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (CUG Wuhan), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and Hubei University of Technology (HUT). Over the course of 30 years, under the cooperative framework of IRN FCPPN, the ALICE-China group has established deep and stable collaborative relationships with all ALICE member institutions, including CNRS. The ALICE-China team has significantly contributed to the R&D, production, and operation of the ALICE apparatus and the ALICE physics analyses. The ALICE-China team provided significant important insights in the field of high-energy physics.

Leveraging bilateral cooperation between China and France, this workshop aims to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians working in the field of high-energy physics with ALICE and will be composed of senior experts, permanent researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from both domestic and international communities. The focus will be on, but not limited to, exchanging ideas on achievements, recent research progress, future detector upgrades and physics research plans in the field of high-energy physics. The goal is to seek to deepen China-France cooperation in high-energy physics and promote the in-depth development of international collaboration in this field.

The workshop is hosted by Central China Normal University (CCNU) and co-organized by the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Fudan University (FDU), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (CUG, Wuhan), IRN FCPPN and China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST), and also supported by Center of Introducing Talents for Quark Matter Physics.

This workshop will adopt a hybrid online-offline model. Online presentations will be conducted via ZOOM meetings.

Zoom Link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/64545045317?pwd=sSEpsR7Os2Ov2seRH9JHORoYRtqCrT.1
Zoom ID: 645 4504 5317
Password: ccnu

Organization committee

  • China: Xiaoming Zhang (CCNU, Co-chair), Xiaomei Li (CIAE), Zebo Tang (USTC), Qiye Shou (FDU), Xinye Peng (CUG), Yaxian Mao (CCNU), Hua Pei (CCNU), Zhongbao Yin (CCNU), Daicui Zhou (CCNU)
  • France: Nicole Bastid (LPCA, UCA & CNRS-IN2P3, Co-chair), Eric Kajfasz (CPPM, CNRS-IN2P3 & AMU)

Contact information




  • 会议报到:2024年10月19日
  • 离会时间:2024年10月24日下午
  • 网上注册:2024年10月15日(含)前


中–法粒子物理网络(FCPPN)属于法国国际科研网络(IRN)的一部分。其前身为中法粒子物理实验室(FCPPL)。IRN FCPPN现有来自双边的科研技术人员成员460余人。法方参与单位由法国国家科研中心(CNRS)与14所大学、工程学院共建的18家实验室、研究所组成。中方参与单位包含中国科学院下属的高能物理研究所、国家天文台、紫金山天文台、中国科学技术大学、中国科学院大学,以及包括华中师范大学在内的其它23所国内高校。FCPPN的研究涵盖高能核物理、粒子物理与强子物理、中微子物理、(高能)粒子天体物理与、宇宙学、加速器物理和理论物理,以及加速器、探测器和科学计算技术。帮助人们不断加深对宇宙本质的理解。

中国于1993年加入ALICE国际合作研究。中国ALICE组包含华中师范大学、中国原子能科学研究院、复旦大学、中国科学技术大学、中国地质大学(武汉)、华中科技大学和湖北工业大学7家成员单位。历经30年的发展,基于在IRN FCPPN的合作框架,ALICE中国组与包括法国国家科研中心在内的ALICE各成员单位均建立了深厚、稳定的合作关系。在ALICE探测器研制和物理分析方面作出了多项重要贡献,做出了一批具有国际影响的物理成果。


本次研讨会由华中师范大学主办,中国原子能科学研究院、复旦大学、中国科学技术大学、中国地质大学(武汉)、IRN FCPPN和中国高等科学技术中心协办,并获夸克物质物理创新引智基地资助。


Zoom 会议号: 645 4504 5317
密码: ccnu


中方:张晓明 (CCNU, Co-chair)、李笑梅 (CIAE)、唐泽波 (USTC)、寿齐烨 (FDU)、彭忻烨 (CUG)、毛亚显 (CCNU)、裴骅 (CCNU)、殷中宝 (CCNU)、周代翠 (CCNU)

法方:Nicole Bastid (LPCA, UCA & CNRS-IN2P3, Co-chair), Eric Kajfasz (CPPM, CNRS-IN2P3 & AMU)


The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.