TH Heavy Ion Coffee

Balbeer Singh, Factorization for jet observables in dense media

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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Jets produced in heavy ion collisions offer a unique probe into the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), the state of matter believed to exist shortly after the Big Bang. While being a natural X-rays for the medium, the multiscale  nature of the jet provides a window to explore jet-medium interaction in an Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework. In this context, I will talk about how Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) can be used to derive a novel factorization formula for semi-inclusive jet production by treating jet as an open quantum system in contact with a hot thermal bath. The factorization formula then allows us write the production cross-section in terms of perturbative series of an increasing number of subjets characterized by perturbative matching coefficients each of which is convolved with a distinct function that not only depends on the measurement imposed on the jet but also on the properties of the medium. Further, I will also talk about how this framework can be extended to jet substructure observables in particular energy-energy correlators.

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Giuliano Giacalone, Govert Hugo Nijs, Joao Lourenco Henriques Barata, AVC support account, Enrico Speranza, Urs Wiedemann, Wilke Van Der Schee
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