COMETA Colloquium: Luca Cadamuro

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This event is organised by the COMETA COST Action, a EU-funded networking initiative that promotes knowledge sharing and cooperation across the theory, experiment, and ML communities, with the aim of improving the measurement and interpretation of multiboson processes at the LHC.


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    • 1
      Higgs boson pair production: status and prospects

      The observation Higgs bosons pair production (HH) is the next milestone of the LHC physics programme. HH production gives access to the Higgs boson self-coupling and, consequently, to the underlying structure of the Higgs potential, marking a fundamental step in the study of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism.
      Because of its small cross section, this process has long been considered out of the LHC reach. However, owing to the spectacular improvement of HH analyses over the past decade, HH production is now being investigated in several production and decay modes, setting stringent constraints on new physics and rapidly approaching the SM prediction sensitivity.
      This seminar will present an overview of HH analyses at the LHC and the prospects for its study at the HL-LHC and beyond.

      Speaker: Luca Cadamuro (IJCLab - CNRS/IN2P3 - Université Paris-Saclay (FR))