Non-global jet observables at hadron colliders feature intricate logarithmic corrections, including super-leading logarithms, a series of double-logarithmic corrections starting at four-loop order. These contributions, combined with large numerical factors of Pi associated with further Glauber-gluon exchanges, form the Glauber series. Using a factorisation theorem derived within Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), this series can be systematically resummed in RG-improved perturbation theory.
In this talk, I will present the factorisation theorem and outline the formalism enabling this resummation. Emphasis will be placed on the construction of the color basis, which is essential for the analytic resummation. In addition, I discuss how to determine the asymptotic behavior of higher terms in the Glauber series, demonstrating their parametric suppression. Finally, I show how in the large N_c limit, this series can be resummed in a closed form.