6–9 Aug 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The "COMPASS-AMBER software and Monte-Carlo Summer School- 2024" will take place at CERN (in 892/1-D20) between August 6 and 9.

The school program offers a variety of tutorials and contributions dedicated to COMPASS software, MC tools, and analysis methods.

Topics to be covered:

  • PHAST and analysis tools

  • HTcondor and lxbatch submissions 

  • RIVET toolkit

  • TGeant Monte-Carlo chain

  • Implementing a detector in TGeant

  • Monte-Carlo event generators

  • RICH and PID

  • Using Neural Networks with the RICH 

  • CORAL reconstruction software

In addition to the tutorials, there will be discussions of practical examples and hands-on sessions addressing useful exercises.
The school would be delighted to welcome all interested colleagues, including bachelor's, master's, and PhD students, as well as postdoctoral researchers.

Organizers: Bakur Parsamyan (chair), Jan Matousek, Mikhail Mikhasenko, Stefan Wallner, Thomas Poschl

The school is supported by the COMPASS collaboration and COMPASS management.

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Registration for this event is currently open.