Special EPE Seminar: Alberto Navarro
Title: Entanglement, Bell inequalities, and Hadronic top quark polarimetry with ML
Abstract: Top quark polarization provides an important tool for studying spin correlations, top quark properties, and new physics searches. Unlike lighter quarks, the top quark’s polarization remains intact until its decay, enabling precise spin measurements. While
the down-type fermions from W boson decay are known to be effective spin analyzers, charged leptons have typically been the main target for most analyses. However, the top quark most often decays hadronically, for which unambiguous identification of its decay
products sensitive to top quark polarization is challenging. In this talk, I will show how to address the measurement of entanglement and Bell inequalities with semileptonic top pair production, where the hadronic top spin is measured using an optimal polarimeter
built exclusively out of kinematic information. I will then show how incorporating information beyond kinematics could improve the measurement of the hadronic top quark polarization with the help of a ParticleNet-inspired Graph Neural Network (GNN).
Bio: Alberto Navarro is a fourth-year PhD student at Oklahoma State University. His research primarily focuses on collider physics, where he has worked on several topics such as the measurement of entanglement and violation of Bell's inequalities with top quarks, CP violation, and top quark polarimetry.