WG2 - Hybrid silicon technologies: WG2 - Hybrid silicon technologies
- Anna Macchiolo (University of Zurich (CH))
- Alessandro Tricoli (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Martin Van Beuzekom (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
In this presentation we show the preliminary results from our study on 3D columnar pixel sensor technology using femtosecond laser based TCT (both SPA and TPA modes). We investigated 3D columnar silicon technology fabricated within RD50 Common project and fabricated at CNM-IBM. This analysis is work under progress. The aim is to develop advanced tool with high precision for studying the 3D...
In this contribution, I will review the mechanisms that govern signal formation in LGAD.
In particular, the contribution investigates how the interplay among the initial energy deposition, space charge effects, and gain saturation determine several LGAD properties, such as the shape of the Landau distribution as a function of gain and the temporal resolution.
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are crucial for high-energy physics applications, especially in the harsh radiation environments of future colliders. This abstract introduces LGADs enhanced with deep carbon implantation, emphasizing their superior radiation tolerance.
LGADs achieve high temporal resolution and precise spatial measurements through an internal gain mechanism and fine...
In this contribution we will first give a short introduction on the results from our previously reported study on ghosts in Ti-LGADs with double trenches in the inter-pixel region. The focus will be given on the most recent results from our study on irradiated samples. Both, irradiated 2Tr PINs and irradiated 2Tr LGADs are investigated from AIDAinova and RD50 production. Also, irradiated 1Tr...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) show excellent precision timing performance for high-energy physics (HEP) particle detection and will therefore be employed in detector upgrades for the High-Luminosity LHC ATLAS and CMS. However, traditional p-type LGADs face limitations in detecting low-penetrating particles, such as soft X-rays and low-energy protons. To address this, n-type LGADs...
The CMS experiment will enhance its capabilities with precision timing detectors covering |ฮท| โค 3 to manage high rates and reduce pile-up in the HL-LHC era starting in 2030. Future upgrades may extend timing across the full tracker acceptance (|ฮท| โค 4), with LGADs as a potential option for pixel detector end-cap replacements. This project focuses on the development of an ASIC in 28 nm CMOS...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are characterized by a fast rise time (~500ps) and extremely good time resolution (down to 17ps). For the application of this technology to near future experiments, the intrinsic low granularity of LGADs and the large power consumption of readout chips for precise timing is problematic. AC-coupled LGADs, where the readout metal is AC-coupled through an...
With the development of collider experiments, the demand for detectors with high time and spatial resolution has become increasingly stringent. AC-LGAD has sparked wide research due to its exceptional time and spatial resolution and can achieve lower readout electronics density under a fixed effective area and enable position resolution with directional sensitivity. The project aims to develop...
This contribution presents the design strategy and the preliminary characterization of the first, proof-of-concept, production of DC-coupled Resistive Silicon Detector (DC-RSD). The DC-RSD is a resistive thin LGAD with a DC-coupled read-out. This design leads to signal containment within a predetermined number of electrodes using isolating trenches (TI technology).
Several test structures...
Silicon sensors with gain such as LGADs (Low Gain Avalanche Diodes) are prime candidates for high resolution timing applications in High Energy Physics, Nuclear science, and other fields. Over the course of their lifetime, these sensors are required to withstand enormous amounts of radiation ($>10 ^{15} n_{eq}/cm^2$) while maintaining acceptable performances at hadron colliders. Particles...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are silicon-based devices that can achieve good timing resolution due to their unique internal gain. LGADs are proposed for a wide range of fast-timing applications in high energy physics, nuclear physics, and other precision measurements of rare processes. The p-doped gain layer in an LGAD allows generation of a controlled avalanche of charge carriers,...
Status report on RD50 Common Fund Project - RD50-2023-03: Deep Junction LGAD
We propose the NEUROmorphic computing framework for PIXelated detector data processing (NEUROPIX) framework, which will create a path for hardware development, enabling the development of integrated circuit (IC)-based neuromorphic platforms that can perform powerful classification, interpolation, and anomaly-detection tasks with low latency and power. We base this framework on spiking neural...
We will present the development of an electronics board that will make the rapid characterization of multipixel silicon sensor arrays for fast timing possible. OPTIMA is optimized for multichannel readout, such that full information relative to the timing performance of shared charge between pixels is acquired. Each channel comprises a dual-stage amplifier design with a uniform response up to...
We will present the overview of 4 projects of interest at the IMB-CNM. We aim to create a collaboration for each project.
Project 1: Trench Isolated iLGAD for fill factor optimization
Project 2: AC-LGAD for HEP and Synchrotron Applications.
Project 3: Deep Junction LGAD, stabilisation of the technology at the IMB-CNM.
Project 4: Doubled sided 3D detectors for ultra-radiation hard...
Trench-isolated (TI) LGADs, developed at FBK, are pixelated LGAD implementations where pads are separated by physical trenches etched within the silicon substrate and filled with a dielectric. Developed as an alternative approach to implant-based inter-pad separation (JTEs), this technology promises a dramatic reduction to dead regions, mitigating fill factor issues inherent to small-pitch...