LEIR - progress / challenges to optics measurement (tools, BPMs, lack of good models)
PS - zero dispersion optics to improve emittance measurement, deconvolution tests, comment on viability to other machines if progress made
LHC - general status of optics studies - what is standard vs expert. What developments of tools are needed.
LHC - AC-dipole status - critical spares.
LHC commissioning with high ATS factors - experience and challenges
LHC vertical dispersion (single pass for alice background, general Dy control becoming relevant e.g. hierarchy
LHC NL corrections and operation (a3 for hierarchy, b4 for kmod, challenges for high-order and a4, new a4 strategy for next year, 3Qy at injection + ecloud losses)
LHC calibration optics (ballistic + 60deg) use and lessons learned