ROOT Team Meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



Show room on map
Danilo Piparo (CERN), Jakob Blomer (CERN)
Zoom Meeting ID
Axel Naumann
Alternative hosts
Bertrand Bellenot, Lorenzo Moneta, Danilo Piparo, Enrico Guiraud, Jakob Blomer, Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano
Useful links
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1. News
- Next Patch Release
- Fixes Needed by Atlas
- Two weeks should be sufficient.
- Main Aim is to Flash several fixes we have.

  • PPP: Jolly presented an introduction to C++ Reflection.

  • Conda Release

  • Work starting from the first of September (Vincenzo).
  • Vincenzo will be away for various reasons, but Danilo can start the work without him - discussion offline.

2. Shift handover:
- A few tests time out on mac (6.32)
- Windows sometimes fails to build (6.32)
- Tests failing on Windows - Debug build (master) - known issue

3. Round Table:
- Vincenzo:
- Fixing the plan of work.
- Conda report from CMA CAT people - weird linker error.
- Collaboration with Marco and Silia.
- Vassil:
- Fixed issue on onnx for LLVM18, autoloading, and definitions generator.
- Apple also wanted something similar.
- Serguey:
- Mostly on vacation last week.
- Improvements in Save as functionality.
- Robin:
- Comparison of learned and analytical methods.
- Implemented class to use it in Roofit.
- MLP classifier from Scikit-learn.
- Paul:
- Refactored Python benchmark tool due to some issues.
- Made plots for final presentation.
- Olivier:
- On holidays.
- Fixing error bar issue.
- Addressing another GitHub issue this week.
- North:
- Observed differences in training time with rbatch generator.
- Training in different models to see differences in training time.
- Used various profilers to analyze execution times.
- Martin:
- Event size comparison on a bigger MC sample.
- Reading performance for TTree and RNTuple files.
- Marta:
- Distributed RDF and AGC work.
- Finalizing ACAT proceedings.
- Preparing online outreach material from Summer Student Course recordings.
- Discussions for new RDF tutorial with CMS open data.
- Kevin:
- Got sick.
- Prepared and presented poster for Summer Student Poster Session.
- Jolly:
- Helped in ROOT summer student course.
- PPP presentation on C++ reflection.
- Writing a paper for PMBS workshop at SC24.
- Jonas R.:
- Fixed GitHub issues on RooFit.
- Prepared summary talk for SFT group meeting.
- Worked on RooFit SBI tutorial.
- JonasH:
- Finished draft on semantics of concurrent histograms.
- Reviewed and merged RNTuple PRs.
- Testing Direct I/O for CHEP. Investigating DirectI/O and its impact on different Linux filesystems.
- Noted that the compression library might become a bottleneck.
- Jakob:
- Working on merging files with slight schema differences.
- Ida:
- Unittests checker and started working with vector
- Giacomo:
- Continued working on RNTupleMerger.
- Fixed a bug on hadd.
- Opened and followed a PR for hadd argument parsing logic.
- Devajith:
- On shift last week.
- Looked at a memory leak in cling.
- Working on LLVM18 rebase.
- Danilo:
- Old issues
- Root graphics test: Additional work required.
- Bertrand:
- Fixed compiler flags for different build configurations.
- Checking test failures in Debug builds in the CI and locally.
- Asal:
- Tested setups with different node/task configurations.
- Compared Lumi and Eiger clusters. Multi-Threading analysis planned on Eiger.
- Examined performance with resource sharing.
- Andrea:
- Setting up memray for memory profiling on DASK-SWAN.
- Preparing for CMS Open Data Workshop & Hackathon 2024.
- Adrian:
- Doxygen Documentation: Meeting with Axel, discussed upload to S3.
- Graphic-tests: Several changes and improvements, discussions with Danilo.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:01
      Find notetaker 1m
    • 16:01 16:05
      News 4m
    • 16:05 16:10
      Shift handover 5m
    • 16:10 16:15
      Meeting Summaries and Plans 5m
      • I/O
      • TMVA
      • RooFit
      • PPP
      • Planning / Godparents /...
      • LIM
    • 16:45 17:00
      Round Table 15m
    • 17:00 17:05
      A.O.B. 5m