INSEAD Deep Tech 2024

from Wednesday 30 October 2024 (08:30) to Saturday 2 November 2024 (20:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
30 Oct 2024
31 Oct 2024
1 Nov 2024
09:00 CERN tour: Antimatter Factory   ()
11:00 Session on IP, patents, and tech transfer - Linn Kretzschmar (CERN) Dane Tacchini (CERN)   ()
10:00 Guest speakers   ()
11:30 Team break-out work   ()
13:30 Arrival at CERN   ()
14:00 Welcome to CERN and Ideasquare - Catarina Batista Linn Kretzschmar (CERN)   ()
14:15 Kickoff and 3 day agenda for the CERN finale   ()
14:30 Team breakout work to establish project baselines   ()
15:30 Session on venture capital and other sources of money   ()
16:30 Brief team presentations on project status   ()
12:00 Lunch at R1   ()
13:00 Guest speakers: The founders journey, venture capital for deep tech startups, accelerators, and other topics   ()
14:30 Team break-out work   ()
18:00 INSEAD Dinner   ()
12:30 Lunch at R1   ()
13:30 Final team pitch prep   ()
15:00 Team pitches on their innovation commercialisation strategies   ()
16:00 Judging and feedback on pitches   ()
16:45 INSEAD program closing remarks   ()